Quality Policy

The Quality Policy pursued by Giuseppe F.lli BONAITI s.r.l. is based on the principle that the development and application of the “Quality Management System”, in compliance with the international standard UNI EN ISO 9001, represents an important factor of excellence and competitiveness of the Company.

Based on the analysis of the context in which our Company operates, in line with the strategic corporate guidelines, the General Management of Giuseppe F.lli BONAITI s.r.l. has established the following fundamental guidelines:

  • the organisation must commit to understanding the present and future needs of customers, with the aim of providing a quality level equal to or greater than the expected quality;
  • the organisation must engage in continuous improvement activities to pursue the strategic objectives of the company;
  • the organisation must commit to making decisions and taking actions based on analysis of real facts, balancing them with experience and intuition;
  • the organisation must undertake to implement, complete and consolidate the implementation of the Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

To comply with this, the Management undertakes to:

  • take responsibility for the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
  • set inspiring goals and objectives that create a clear vision of the future of the organisation
  • provide staff with the necessary resources, training and freedom to act responsibly
  • promote communication between the different levels of the organisation
  • take into account the needs of all stakeholders, including customers, property, staff, suppliers, local communities and the community in general
  • promote the process approach and risk-based thinking.

In order for these objectives to be achieved and maintained, the following are envisaged:

  • effective internal communications also with specific periodic meetings at the various levels
  • technical and quality improvement plans
  • involvement of selected suppliers and external collaborators in Company Quality policies
  • internal and external checks and audits on the Quality Management System.

In the field of quality policy and strategies, Giuseppe F.lli BONAITI s.r.l. therefore pursues the following priority objectives – defined on clearly identified and measurable parameters:

  • Implement a careful governance and related to the developments of the threats in place, which significantly affect the current context, maximising business performance
  • Implement the investment aimed at upgrading the wire drawing department
  • Ensure accuracy and timeliness in customer service
  • Focus sales on products with high added value.
  • Strengthen the company’s marketing activity.

These objectives are contained in the planning and improvement documents, which represent the main management tools for translating and implementing the Quality principles and for controlling the processes, their effectiveness and monitoring the established objectives.

Calolziocorte, April 2024